The dark green alicorns can generate nearly impenetrable shields, and can cooperate with other green alicorns to amplify their powers. Dark blue alicorns can turn invisible, as Trixie was the only unicorn to develop such a spell. A moment after she gave up, Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom startled her and caused her magic to go out of control. Alicorns with dark purple coats have the ability to teleport, as this was Twilight Sparkle s special ability. At the entrance exam, Twilight was told to use magic to hatch Spike's egg, but she was unable to cast a spell. A year later, she defeated Grogar with her friends and ended up having YouTube Ad to be a General of The Royal Guards.Īs a small filly, she studied magic on her own and wanted to attend Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. After the defeat of Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Queen Chrysalis's defeat, she hired YouTube as the head of Canterlot Patrol. Mlp base unicorn filly pony vector scared pintara deviantart unicorns clipartMLP Twilight Sparkle Full-Grown Alicorn. As she met YouTube Ad, she joins her and the rest of her friends as The New Element of Friendship (The Bonus). 5 years later, she owned The School of Friendship and have students (Especially Creatures) to learn about Friendship. Later, she completely did the test of Friendship before she turned into an Alicorn. When she was a filly, she attended the School for Gifted Unicorns after her new brother Spike hatched from an egg. Twilight Karen Sparkle was born in Jin Ponyville.